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MIRAGE, Kneuklid Romance announced for GAZ memorial


MIRAGE completed its 20th anniversary live today, and has announced an additional live performance!

MIRAGE will appear that the memorial event for ex-Kneuklid Romance drummer GAZ (who recently passed away). A different support guitarist/drummer will aide the band this time:

The GAZ memorial event, Chain, will be held on 2018-07-08 at Meguro (目黒) ROCKMAYKAN (鹿鳴館).

In addition to MIRAGE, it was also announced today that [some version of] Kneuklid Romance will also appear at the event. Those two bands join several other early 90s acts who were already announced:

By the way, KISAKI mentioned that he'll make another announcement at 18:00 JST. (Probably just a small one though!)


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MIRAGE, Kneuklid Romance announced for GAZ memorial

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I love that they all use promo pictures from 23 years ago 👴🏼💄✨

MIRAGE, Kneuklid Romance announced for GAZ memorial

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Would've been really cool if tetsu-era MALICE MIZER revived for just one day...pfft who am i kidding...

Also really happy to see Z performing here, that's pretty cool~

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Yeah that would be amazing! I do kind of hope one of them appears, just out of respect. At least they tweeted about his passing though.

Yeah! Idk what Kneuklid's music will sound like with his voice, but I'm curious to hear.
