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User submitted tags

  • scenes
    koteosa keiコテオサ系
    • Looks: gaudy, colorful, but unsettling. Sound: ironic pop-rock or vkei-inspired rock; tailored for lives. Active: '02~'07.
    menhera keiメンヘラ系
    • Looks: simplistic, violent, sickly, unsettling. Sounds: instrument-forward, manic, chugging, distorted.
    misshitsu kei密室系
    • Looks: '70s~'80s inspired but dark or unsettling. Sounds: emotive rock instrumentation with high pop melodies.
    Showa kayou kei昭和歌謡系
    • Looks: Showa-era clothing and props; militaristic. Sounds: nostalgic, lovelorn, retro '70s pop, pleasant vocals.
  • sounds like
    • Music that is more rock than pop; favors instrumentation.
  • other tags
    • Artists that pioneered a certain style or look in vkei.
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