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UNDER CODE 9th anniversary addition


UNDER CODE PRODUCTION recently announced an additional event to its “RIOT GALE of NINE YEARS” live series, which celebrates its 9th anniversary.

The new event is called 江坂遊戯 (Esaka Yuugi; Esaka Games) and will be divided into two parts: the first part featuring most of UNDER CODE's bands, and the second part featuring session bands made up of those members.

Tickets are on sale now: a regular ticket (good for one part of the live only) can be purchased for 3,150 yen through the normal venues; but a special picture ticket, which is good for both parts of the live, can be purchased exclusively through the official web shop for 5,500 yen. Tickets #1 ~ #100 were initially sold at the web shop, but those immediately sold out, so tickets #101 ~ #200 have now been added.

UNDER CODE PRODUCTION 9th anniversary addition 江坂遊戯 (Esaka Yuugi)

  • 2012-05-05

-First Part- 凛 -the end of corruption world- (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)), NEGA, Megaromania, FUTURISM・BOYZ, Dali, シンディケイト (CindyKate (シンディケイト)), REALies

-Second Part

  • KISAKI SLAVES [V. 苓 (Ren, Dali) & RIKU (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) / G. 美沙麗-Misery- (Megaromania) / G. ユキヒロ (YUKIHIRO, FUTURISM・BOYZ) / B. KISAKI (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) / D. 俊 (Shun, FUTURISM・BOYZ)]]

  • 顔面偏差値TOP6 (Ganmen Hensachi TOP6) [儿 (JIN, NEGA) / SAN (NEGA) / B.B. (FUTURISM・BOYZ) / まぁや (Maaya, CindyKate (シンディケイト)) / REIYA (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) / 一砂 (Kazna, REALies)]

  • アイドル (IDOL (アイドル)) [ジョゼコージ (JOSE KOJI, FUTURISM・BOYZ) / MIZUKI (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) / 優 (Yu, NEGA)]

  • ダンディーズ (DANDIES) [V. Rayka (REALies) / G. ケエト (KEETO, Dali) / G. 律 (Ritsu, REALies) / B. ユウ (YUU, Dali) / D. 邑詩-Yushi- (Megaromania)]

  • 時代錯誤!?な人々 (Jidaisakugo!? na Hitobito) [V. 翠-Sui- (Megaromania) / G. おたけ (Otake, CindyKate (シンディケイト)) / G. 蜘影-Chikage- (Megaromania) / B. 明イ (Akino, REALies) / D. 沙美 (Sami (沙美), CindyKate (シンディケイト))]

  • 全員長渕 (Zenin Nagafuchi) [V. ユーイ (YUUI, CindyKate (シンディケイト)) / G. KANATA (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) / G. N∀O (REALies) / B. 氷牙-Hyoga- (Megaromania) / D. 旬奈 (Shunna, Dali)]


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