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More limited releases from Ren project BALA★NCE


The other day, Sanada Ren (真田 廉) (真田 廉) (ex-Dali, etc.), announced his new project BALA★NCE. He mentioned that they would release a CD at their first live on 2014-06-11―instead, they'll actually release three things.

They'll freely distribute a one track song called DANCING ALL RIGHT! (ダンシングオールライト!) to everyone who attends. At the same time, they'll sell a two track CD called Sarasa RANGER (さらさレンジャー) for 1,000 yen. Finally, anyone who spends 5,000 yen or more on their goods will be rewarded with a comment CD, a group cheki, and something else (unspecified).

Apparently, two of the songs are remakes of Mis†ake songs. You know, the gothic kote kei alter-ego band of ex-Dali members? Check out BALA★NCE's discography for more information.


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