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Showing news tagged Vice†risk
Vice†risk のニュース

2014-04-04 14:31:00 inartistic
YUUZE (ex-E'm ~grief~) has passed away

YUUZE (ユーゼ) of E'm ~grief~ has passed away on February 15.

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2010-01-24 01:45:00 anonymous
[Archived] chariots Promotion

Cure Media USA is running a cool little promotion for chariots.

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2009-09-09 13:43:00 anonymous
[Archived] Get your Matina!

UNDER GROUND MUSIC just put up a ton of Matina artists' releases for purchase, some of which are fairly rare! Bands include AZALEA, DAS:VASSER, DESCRIBE, Distray, Eze:quL, GARDEN, LAYBIAL, Madeth gray'll, Mebius, Remage, サリー (Sally (サリー)), and Vice†risk. And they're not just CDs that everyone has; most of them are demotapes. It's pretty cool, so go spend some money on a piece of Matina history!

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