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[Archived] Arc's omnibus tracklist announced


The complete tracklist of Arc's omnibus, STAND UP SONIC, has been announced. So in the immortal words of Nicki Minaj, check it out:


  • 2011-01-26; 3,150 yen; omnibus CD
  1. マイナス人生オーケストラ (Minus Jin-Say Orchestra (マイナス人生オーケストラ)): FREAKS A GO!GO!
  2. セツナ神姫。 (SETSUNA Shinki。): BoUnD
  3. TЯicKY: ストレス爆弾~トリと一緒にダイエットVer.~ (STRESS Bakudan ~TORI to Issho ni DIET Ver.~)
  4. バラッド (BALLAD): 堕落と切望 (Daraku to Zetsubou)
  5. ドメスティック (DOMESTIC): 激情ストイック (Gekijou STOIC)
  6. ヴェルテクス-Vertex-: Seed
  7. Xenon: Repetation
  8. Schwein: fallin' heaven
  9. Ru:natic: 精神欲求不安定 (Seishin Yokkyuu Fuantei)
  10. Digerir: 処刑台ヨリ,靉ヲ込メテ・・・ (Shokeidai yori, Ai wo Komete・・・)
  11. 69: Silent eyes (SE version)
  12. Armeria: FLASH BACK BOY
  13. Valgana: 使者 (Shisha)
  14. Arc: メッセージ (MESSAGE)

To be honest, I'm not sure if Arc's contributing a song called MESSAGE or just a literal message... Hopefully the former! Actually, in their blog they said that the track they're contributing is very cool, so it should be a song, hahaha. Anyway, has the tracklist decided whether or not you'll order the CD?

  • Current music: Dio d'honneur - コンサート | Powered by
  • Current mood: happy


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[Archived] Arc's omnibus tracklist announced

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Yeah, that was pretty disappointing :(

[Archived] Arc's omnibus tracklist announced

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Not going to buy it since there is no new song by Schwein :(
