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Vior gloire, SUZAKU, and REALies debut new looks

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REALies, 朱 (SUZAKU (朱)), and Vior gloire all debuted new costumes today! Check them out below and sound off on which is your favorite.

![][1] /REALies/ ![][2] 朱 (SUZAKU (朱)) /Vior gloire/

[1]: [2]: (朱).jpg


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Vior gloire, SUZAKU, and REALies debut new looks

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Saw this earlier on tumblr, Shall completely shocked me at first, where is your hair!? haha. But I do really like Vior Gloire's look.

REALies is typical them really, seems they have stayed safe but it's still a good like that I like :)

Suzaku's look... well, I want to wait for a more fuller picture, like that of Vior Gloire's, or at least some individual pictures before I pass judgement because honestly, it's hard to really see them apart from their faces. So far it's alright, so hoping for a better picture soon :)

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Seriously, shall's hair was so unexpected! It's like they shaved half of his head off, hahaha

Vior gloire, SUZAKU, and REALies debut new looks

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Suzaku look strangely adorable. Vior Gloire kind of look....I'm not sure how to describe it. I don't really like anyone's hair and I feel the random streaks of color everyone has defeats the purpose of wearing dual-tone outfits.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't want to say that Vior gloire's look is ugly per se, but there's definitely something off about it. Actually, it sort of reminds me of another band―Black Gene?

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Vior gloire, SUZAKU, and REALies debut new looks

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