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REALies previews and new look


REALies have revealed a new promotional photo (same costumes as NEXT⇒, but with a different backdrop). And more importantly, they've uploaded samples of Plug[I]n and HALJION from their upcoming limited single.

⇒ Check out the new look and samples here!

What do you think? I'm really liking Plug[I]n so far!

<ct:release id="24" />


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REALies previews and new look

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I like the previews so far! Plug[I]n sounds catchy :) Still NuAGE is still one of there songs I can play over and over and not get tired of. Let's hope this does the same :D

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At the first time I didn't like NuAGE... But I began to listen it again and again, and now... I LOVE IT XD

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Kanon, same thing happened to me, ahahaha

REALies previews and new look

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Ah samples sound very good ! ! >w<

(I translate the entry into spanish too xD)

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Woohoo! Good job :D And yeah, I agree about the samples. Will buy this release for sure!

REALies previews and new look

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They always look good, so far at least :D

And I am liking the samples, looking forward to the release!
