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Marco live appearance cancellation + member absence


Little update on MARCO (マルコ)'s live schedule:

  • Their live on December 17 will be cancelled due to "various cirucmstances".
  • Guitarist Rutta will not be able to attend their New Years live on December 31 due to family reasons.
  • Originally, they were going to play at 3 venues for their New Year lives, but that has since been reduced to only 2 - HOLIDAY SHINJUKU and Ikebukuro CYBER. Details tba.
  • Vocalist Rei session band, MARUWO (マルヲ) will perform as the opening act of KALAVINKA (カラビンカ)/nüe/THE VELVET threeman live at 下北沢MOSAiC on December 24.

Although they've been quiet recently, the band are booked up until March 2017, so there's nothing to worry about...for right now. ;w;


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Marco live appearance cancellation + member absence

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I hope everything's ok D:
