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KANATA's yellow radio


LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) (凛 -the end of corruption world-) guitarist KANATA has been releasing a series of comment CDs entitled KANATAN no YELLOW RADIO (KANATAんのイエローラジオ). The latest one is V♡L:3, given to those who spent 4,000 yen at the band's 2013-04-24 live―and for a limited time, the CD will also be awarded to anyone who spends 4,000 yen through the UCP official web shop. That offer is valid only from April 26th through the 30th, so hurry if you want to take advantage!

<ct:release id="448" /> <ct:release id="449" /> <ct:release id="450" />


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KANATA's yellow radio

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Thank you for this information! I should order soon… I so would like to grab the V♡L:1 too!

KANATA's yellow radio

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DAMN!!! I ordered yesterday without knowing that, but only for 2100¥… Damn I'm so sad now ><

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Oh no!! How unlucky ;( Well maybe I'll do it, and of course I'll share!
