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Showing news tagged E'm ~grief~
E'm ~grief~ のニュース

2019-10-11 16:03:00 inartistic
After-the-fact Live Report ①

Vol. 1 of memories from an early-September trip to Tokyo (東京), by @evenor and I.

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2018-12-13 18:14:43 Seraphim
New Session Band Chinsuikeikaku-SeaMan-

A new session band has, Chinsuikeikaku-seaman- (simply referred to as SeaMan), has formed.

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2016-01-31 21:49:00 inartistic
Minor news roundup 1/31

Minor news roundup for 1/31:

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2015-08-07 18:40:00 suji
[Quick update] Cecir (ex-E'm ~grief~) will NOT be participating in CERO (LIN) session

Cecir (ex-E'm ~grief~) will no longer be able to participate in Cero (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-))'s birthday event, Here's looking at me, kid VOL:2, this year due to family reasons. This also means he will not be able to perform on guitar for Cero's session band...(hope Cero finds a replacement!)

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2015-07-06 18:53:00 Seraphim
New (???) Band - Devil Kitty

Related to the previous post, signed to Rockstar is a """new""" band DEVIL KITTY, fronted by the very sarcastic, and somewhat eccentric, Yuuga. As some of you may remember, back in the early 2000's (prior to the closing of Eternal) there was another band named DEVIL KITTY that Yuuga was in. While this band shares the same name, they are supposed to be considered two separate entities. Yuuga's also nabbed Majyu as the drummer for this band, so I'm interested to see how active SHAPE SHIFTER is with a part-time drummer.

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2014-12-14 10:08:00 inartistic
SUI session lineup change

LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) vocalist SUI will hold his birthday event on 2015-01-23, and his session band, PSYCHOSONIC SHAKE, will appear. However, a change has been made to the lineup. The new lineup is:

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2014-10-21 10:54:00 inartistic
News roundup 10/21

Here's a roundup of the latest news related to ΛrlequiΩ (アルルカン), Mischievous, VARYL (ヴァリル), SIVA, E'm ~grief~, LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-), MASKED RIDER SYSTEM, and Vior gloire.

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2014-10-20 21:58:00 inartistic
LIN V. Sui birthday event announced

LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) has announced a birthday event for vocalist SUI, featuring a really cool session band:

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