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[Archived] Nega revival imminent


The NEGA guys have updated their blogs today, and it seems that a revival will soon be upon us!

Jin made an Amember-only post, where he basically criticizes some aspects of the current scene, but also explains how he wants NEGA to be the best, unique. He also confirms that they've started concrete plans for their revival, and he even says that they hope to put out a second full album! (This is far from announcement of a release though; it's simply a wish that he has.)

According to Ray's blog, the guys have already met with ID-JAPAN about costumes for their revival. He seems excited and promises that the time we've waited for NEGA's return will not have been in vain; they have absolutely evolved for the better.

And finally, Yuu, in the PERESTROЇKA blog, confirmed that PERESTROЇKA is a time-limited band and that their time will soon be up. Nothing really mind-blowing there, but it's good to have confirmation.

-- So! It seems that we'll soon be hearing some announcements about NEGA's revival. Hopefully we can expect NEGA to come back with full force in the summer!


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[Archived] Nega revival imminent

anonymous hush_narumi
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jsfjisisangdjnasjdgiaignksanbdviajsgbv o


[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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THANK YOU! I've only been waiting for this since they announced their pause!

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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YES. Thank you.

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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this. +1

I'm so happy now~!!

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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Cannot express how happy I was to read this news earlier happy happy bounce remembers she's a goth decorous smirk

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

anonymous adeuslegend
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yes alter band to go and come back nega.

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

anonymous shirahimeningyo
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Wonderful news!

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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Sweeeet~ :)

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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I'm very excited ! :)

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

anonymous takatorireiji
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Such great news, looking forward to more information very soon :D As much as I like Perestroika, Nega is of course what I want :)

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

anonymous paige_nevaeh
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xD I didn't know what 'imminent' meant and thought for a sec that Nega were disbanding D: This news is a million times better <3 Nega will be the best, unique band on the scene - no doubt about it!

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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Amazing news ais always amazing~ Im excited for them reviving.. I'm like Perestroika.. but NEGA is simply my favorite.

[Archived] Nega revival imminent

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Can't wait!!!! I got to see PERESTROIKA live and they were Brilliant! but Nega is still more amazing in my eyes :3
