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[Archived] Lin session event details


Earlier this month, I made a post about the upcoming 凛 -the end of corruption world- (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-)) summer festival. At that live, each member will hold a special session—those special sessions have just been revealed.

LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) summer session festival 凛夏祭 ~新宿編~ (LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) Natsumatsuri ~Shinjukuhen~)

  • 2011-07-20 at 新宿 (Shinjuku) RUDIO-K4
  • RIKU session band
  • チャリオッツリック少年ボウイ (chariots RIKU Shounen BOY) [V. RIKU; G. シノ (SHINO, MiU); G. 慎太郎 (Shintarou, キッド (KID)); B. 時雨 (Shigure, ex-uBuGoe); D. 兼継 (Kentz, ex-GeNe)]
  • MIZUKI session band
  • とある舞台の禁止事項 (Toaru Fudai no Kinshi Jikou) [V. タカフミ (TAKAFUMI, ex-Marvelous Maiden); G. erina (Ⅶ-sense); G. MIZUKI; B. 迅 (Jin); D. 摩珠 (Maju, E'm ~grief~)]
  • KANATA session band
  • あなたの♪み・か・た♪ん (Anata no ♪ Mi ・ ka ・ ta ♪ n) [V. ユーイ (YUUI), G. おたけ (Otake), B. まぁや (Maaya), D. 沙美 (Sami (沙美)) (シンディケイト (CindyKate (シンディケイト))); G. KANATA]
  • REIYA session band
  • (large session)

KISAKI & Kansai Kizoku (妃&関西貴族)! E'm ~grief~, SIVA, and VIDOLL ex-members! TAKAFUMI! Seems like it will be a really great UNDER CODE -flavored event. Wish I could go!

  • Current music: Arc - 秒シミュレーション | Powered by
  • Current mood: excited


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[Archived] Lin session event details

anonymous tsuki_no_yuugi
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It's really soothing to see that Rame and Shun do sessions together. It makes me believe that they just might form a new band together.

[Archived] Lin session event details

anonymous rei_mitsukai
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I guess the question is if they'll actually do it even if they are planning in it... 凛 European tour is kind of my dream right now XD

I guess I could just ask KISAKI and see what he says... It'll at least give me something to say to him besides the usual two or three words that are all I can think of every time I see him. lol

[Archived] Lin session event details

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The Lin European tour has been rumored about since even before the Nega one. So I'm sure there's some truth to the band at least thinking about it. But anything more substantial than that... no. It would be cool though

[Archived] Lin session event details

anonymous rei_mitsukai
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This looks so awesome! Too bad I won't be there for this... :(

On a side note... Is there anything new about that rumor that 凛 are planning a European tour? I really wanna bug KISAKI about it while I'm here (though it's so hard to talk to them all when I know so very little Japanese! lol)...

[Archived] Lin session event details

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Wish I could see this - they all sound like fun - especially laughing at Kanata's CindyKate band :) and so good to see the Vidoll guys involved

[Archived] Lin session event details

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Mikage... oof. Clearly had Ⅶ-sense on the brain, guess you can tell I'm tired |D

Yeah, so awesome to see VIDOLL guys playing with KISAKI~ They should make a new band on UCP!

[Archived] Lin session event details

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For a moment I was wondering who could be Mikage from Megaromania XD

It looks awesome. I'm so happy to see that Shun will be there!! I really thought he was going to stop playing guitar.

[Archived] Lin session event details

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Awww I wanna go!

...this event is much to undercode to be held in tokyo. (●`ー´●)
