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[Archived] KISAKI


Ok, I just had to delete the last post; it was already getting out of hand. Sorry about that. Here is a direct translation of KISAKI's situation. Please note that KISAKI has NOT been arrested, he has only been accused. And please, let's keep the comments fair. This post has potential to turn ugly, and I want to make sure it doesn't.


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[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous kuronekonotsume
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didn't Al Capone went to jail precisely for tax evasion? XD

woah, but srsly, anyone else, but Kisaki? i thought he had money... obviously, the more you have, the more you wanna keep rolls eyes and shakes head disapprovingly only two things are certain in life dear Kisaki, and that's death and taxes.

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous scrappucino
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I really respect Kisaki as much as Undercode itself. This has strikes me with amazing shocks. When they're going to get more popular and graduate, and something like this blocking their way.

Really, I hope, like suicide_gemini stated, something dirty is going on behind. Just keep have a faith on him, things will hopefully resolved soon. sigh

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous heartich0ke
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I never liked Kisaki to begin with, but this just gives me more of a reason not to like him! Now what's going to be the outcome of UNDER CODE?!

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous sugarcandyheart
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Besides, without Kisaki there wouldn't be everything we love. He is allowed to make "mistakes", just like everyone else. After all, it's almost the same thing; if you respect Matina // UCP, you respect Kisaki & vice versa.

[Archived] KISAKI

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poor Kisaki! it must be hard time for him ...

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous shades_children
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What I don't understand is how withholding taxes from the government and mixing company money with personal money is going to keep Under Code afloat. I think Kisaki's definitely done a lot for the visual kei scene, but unfortunately, his business sense seems to be lacking. When you compare his record labels to Loop Ash, for example, I just wonder why his companys don't seem to be able to stay solvent.

Of course, again, until the charges are substantiated or dropped, all this is my conjecture.

Out of curiosity, where did you hear that Under Code's popularity was dropping? I mean, they've never had an artist graduate to the major labels, like PSCompany, but it didn't seem like they were going under. Maybe someone who's been to a few recent UC events can attest to this?

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous chrome_hearts
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If the allegations are true, Kisaki will owe all of the money he uses to run undercode to pay back the govt. Maybe Vidoll and 12 will stay with himitsu and the others and they can make their own label called PHOENIX, because it ROSE FROM ASHES. Or something. (that's the 1:30 AM talking)

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous sugarcandyheart
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Not even kinda. Poor baby. apparentlyhe'dbeenpamperingotherstoomuch

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous shades_children
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This is pretty stupid, but if the charges are true, then it's impossible for me to continue to have any respect for Kisaki. He'll destroy Under Code as a decent company, and his actions will hurt all the artists on the label who had nothing to do with this mess. As president, he should take responsibility and resign. Shame on him.

(Again, all of this is being said IF the charges are true. I suspect they are, since the Tax Bureau's going to levi fines upon the company and the prosecutor's looking into criminal charges.)

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous dorii_maazu
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I can't believe this. I just can't. I always thought KISAKI was a man to respect. Doesn't this affect all the UNDER CODE bands? How horrible...

[Archived] KISAKI

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wow, that's a lot of money.

[Archived] KISAKI

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You suck Yama! Always undermining my totally fucking sweet fun.

[Archived] KISAKI

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think of it this way: at least you're not kisaki. It kinda sucks for him. ._.

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous sugarcandyheart
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No fucking way. Just when I hoped things wouldn't get worse.

[Archived] KISAKI

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I know you didn't mean anything by it. I just wanted to go ahead and take care of the problem before it got worse. Don't take it personally~ Thanks for understanding

[Archived] KISAKI

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Please excuse my last post. I love UNDER CODE and Phantasmagoria just as much as the next person, but I couldn't help but find it hilarious at the same time. I see how my post could be interpreted as offensive, but it wasn't intended to be.

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous adeuslegend
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well we all can just wait for further news to be up to be confirm of it.

[Archived] KISAKI

anonymous adeuslegend
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thanks dude for it ^^ ya i read the direct translation of it according to authorities..... also 'Matsuura is said to have' also kisaki nv spoke a word of it at all .... all just authorities according..... hopes he (DOES) gives comments bout it...
